
Dr. Himanshu Krishna is a practicing neurosurgeon whose areas of specialization encompass various facets of neurosurgery. His expertise includes brain tumors, spinal disorders, vascular neurosurgery, functional neurosurgery, pediatric neurosurgery, skull base surgery and neuroendoscopy. Dr. Krishna's dedication to the field of neurosurgery and his comprehensive skill set enable him to provide exceptional care and innovative treatment options for his patients.

Conditions Treated

Brain Tumours

Cerbrovascular Diseases

Congenital Disorders

Neurodegenerative Diseases

Pott's Spine

Spine Disorders



Procedures Performed

Functional Neurosurgery


Pediatric Neurosurgery

Skull Base Surgery

Vascular Neurosurgery

Activities And Honors

Dr Himanshu Krishna
First position in combined pre-medical test (cpmt) for MBBS entrance in 1990.
Dr Himanshu Krishna
Dr Himanshu Krishna
Obtained honours in anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathology, and ophthalmology during the MBBS course.
Dr Himanshu Krishna
Dr Himanshu Krishna
Second position in the state PG entrance examination (UPPGMEE) in 1997.
Dr Himanshu Krishna
Dr Himanshu Krishna
Awarded certificates as best resident in the department of surgery during JR-II and JR-III periods of the MS general surgery course.
Dr Himanshu Krishna
Dr Himanshu Krishna
First prize at poster presentation liver resection for baemangioma liver - a case study at national seminar in oncology 1999 KGMC lucknow.
Dr Himanshu Krishna
Dr Himanshu Krishna
Awarded Bbau Kashi Ram Dhawan Gold Medal as best MS student in general surgery.
Dr Himanshu Krishna
Dr Himanshu Krishna
Best scientific paper award intracranial aneurysms in patients less than or equal to 18years are there differences from the adult population ? at IV th Annual conference of indian society of pediatric neurosurgery SGPGIMS Lucknow.
Dr Himanshu Krishna


Journal of Neurosurgery.

Association between an plastic basilar artery, unaccompained by a primitive carotid vertebrobasilar anastomosis and multiple aneurysms on the dominant posterior communicating artery.

Solitary Langerhans cell histiocytosis of the clivus and sphenoid sinus with parasellar and petrous extensions case report and a review of literature surgical neurology. Intracranial aneurysms in patients 18yeras of age or under are they different from aneurysms in adult population Acta neurochirurgica. Co-author in a chapteron Carotid-opbthalmic aneurysms surgical considerations.

Indian Textbook of Neurosurgery (under publication).

Co- author in a chapter on Medical management of cerebral rasospasm - Progress in clinical Neurosciences.

Request an Appointment with Dr Himanshu Krishna
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